Cancer Journey

A Brave Journey Begins

It is with mixed emotions that I share some personal news with all of you. Recently, I received the diagnosis of breast cancer. This news has undoubtedly turned our world upside down, but I wanted to take a moment to reach out and share this part of my journey with all of you as we have received many messages. Approximately 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer in their lifetime. 9% occur in women under 45… unfortunately I now fall into that 9%.

First and foremost, I want to assure you that I am surrounded by the love and support of my incredible family, friends, and medical professionals. Their unwavering care and guidance have given me strength and hope during this challenging time.

As a family creed, in our hardest times, we shift away from why is this happening TO us to asking the question…why is this happening FOR us? It is a hard question to ask in regular circumstances, and when times get really tough it becomes that much more difficult. Darren shared that we can either go through this or we can grow through this. I choose growth.

While this diagnosis has undoubtedly brought its fair share of uncertainty and fear, I am determined to face it head-on with courage and optimism. I believe that a positive mindset and the support of loved ones can work wonders. I am committed to doing everything in my power to fight this battle and come out stronger on the other side.

I would like to encourage all of you to prioritize your health and wellness. Regular check-ups and screenings can make a world of difference. Early detection truly saves lives, and I implore you to be proactive in taking care of yourselves. I noticed a lump and scheduled a mammogram which I had just had less than a year prior. The mammogram came back clear, however, I needed peace of mind so immediately scheduled an ultrasound which then turned into a biopsy and ultimately the diagnosis.

Lesson: Trust your intuition, and dig deeper if something doesn’t seem right.

Lastly, I want to express my deep gratitude for the outpouring of love, support, and prayers I have already received. Your messages, calls, and gestures of kindness have touched my heart in ways words cannot fully express. I am incredibly blessed to have each and every one of you in my life, and I draw strength from your unwavering love and encouragement.

While we will provide occasional updates here on social media, if you want to track the journey more closely or see any support we may need along the way as the treatment starts in the Sacramento, California region in the weeks ahead Darren has set up a Caring Bridge website that you can be a part of.

Thank you in advance for your love and care as we go through this ultimate Flip of Our Script.
