• San Francisco,  Travel,  You Tube

    San Francisco- A Day Trip

    What do you do when it is 110 degrees in your home city? ๐Ÿ”ฅYou get the heck out of town and head to the cool breeze San Francisco offers! We had a great day trip spending time at Crissy Field overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, walking through the beautiful Palace of Fine Arts, driving down Lombard Street and visiting the…

  • San Francisco,  Travel,  You Tube

    San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge Visit

    As we approached our 10 year wedding anniversary in July, we decided it would be fun to take the kiddos on a trip to the spot where the engagement happened. It is a location near and dear to us as we spent many days walking the headlands and admiring the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge all the while talking about our…