• Barbados,  Travel,  You Tube

    Barbados Move Diaries!

    How is the packing/purging process going, you ask? It is getting easier especially now that we have plans a bit more finalized and the kids are excited for their new home with a pool in Barbados. The reality of the situation is becoming clear as we clear out the major furniture in our home and sell our cars! We are…

  • Barbados,  Travel

    It is Official!!!

    Well, we are officially booked and there is no turning back now!! Flights ✔️Quarantine Hotel ✔️House ✔️ Selling all our belongings 😲 We will be ringing in the New Year from our quarantine hotel in Barbados! Flights are booked leaving California to NYC and then onto Barbados just in time to see the ball from on New Years Eve as…