Cancer Journey,  You Tube

Chemo Triumph: Crossing the Finish Line with Strength and Optimism

Hey there, wonderful readers! 🌟 We’re back with some exciting updates on our journey through the twists and turns of breast cancer treatment, and we can’t wait to spill the beans! Buckle up because we’re diving into the festivities and family adventures that followed the triumphant end of chemo and phase 1 of treatment.

Post-Chemo Bash and Family Shenanigans: πŸŽŠπŸŒ²πŸŽ„
We kicked off the celebrations with a bang, bidding farewell to chemo in style! We snuck away to one of our favorite destinations in the mountains and embarked on a few days filled with joy, laughter, and a lot of quality family time with board games alongside a warm fireplace and the glow of fire. Imagine scenic views, quality family time, and a whole lot of love.

And speaking of love, we made sure to make up for lost time with holiday traditions that we missed during our globetrotting adventures and expat life in Barbados. We definitely missed the warm weather and tropical celebrations we have grown to love with island life but it was nice to revisit some old family traditions as well. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, and we’re making every moment count!

Life Update Extravaganza: 🏫🎨🎢
Now, let’s spill the beans on the latest and greatest in our lives. The kids are on a schooling adventure, proving that education is not just a destination but a thrilling journey. They have both adjusted well moving from the British education system back into the American and both made the Honor Roll for the first half of this school year. Their after-school activities have them buzzing with excitement, exploring new horizons and discovering their passions.

Meanwhile, Darren’s rocking a dual lifeβ€”juggling caretaking and managing all the household task and kids activities amidst running a successful business. On top of that he has also been maintaining his musical chops with a few local gigs here and there.

Join the Fun and Stay Connected: πŸ””πŸ€πŸš€
Are you ready to be part of the fun? Connect with us on social media for daily doses of family fabulosity. Find us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube @ The Flip the Script Family.