The Flip the Script Family

How are you staying grounded amidst chaos?

Feeling a little rejuvenation from this weekend where I had the privilege of working, all by myself, for a few hours each day! No kids in tow, no rushing to get back home, no homeschooling crisis to attend to. I threw my audiobook on in the car, rolled with windows down to feel the sunlight and fresh breeze and cranked up the tunes… enjoying every second of it.  ❤️

When I returned home to my excited kiddos I felt like a different person, a better person… a calmer person! Through this all I have realized I need my own space and my own focus, even if that is just for 15 minutes of the day. I need that time to remember who I am and what I am passionate about… outside of the responsibilities I hold in various aspects of my life. As a parent it is easy to lose a piece of your “old” self as you tend to the every need of your littles. Finding the time to just be and reflect is much harder to come by. Be intentional and carve out that very important time for you and only you regardless of what time of day that may fall into.

How are you staying grounded and showing up as the best version of yourself each day?

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