The Flip the Script Family

Be Kind To Yourself

I came across this image and quote and it stuck with me! 

“Love yourself. Forgive yourself. Be true to yourself. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others will treat you.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli

I am absolutely guilty of not being the kindest to myself. I tend to fixate on the endless areas where I am striving for improvement while neglecting the importance to pause and recognize or acknowledge those areas where I have been successful or have overcome a struggle in order to emerge on the other side.  

This quote was a great reminder today to love, forgive and respect myself. The words I speak to myself daily resonate with my soul and if I am feeding my soul negative thoughts or emotions how is that in turn going to allow me to show up in the world? Definitely not as the very best version of myself.  

Life will happen and you will have curve balls thrown at you when you least expect it but that is all part of the joys in life. You can let the challenges wear you down or you can CHOOSE to react differently… perhaps by asking the universe “Why is this happening for me” as opposed to “Why is this happening to me”. These are the wise words of my husband who always finds a way to put a positive spin on the most challenging of times and truly helps put the most important things back into perspective when I may be struggling to see the underlying learning and growth opportunity. 

Speak those same words of encouragement you preach and use to inspire others and direct them to the most important person- Yourself!

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