The Flip the Script Family

The beginning of a new decade!

Happy 2020!!

I begin this new year and new decade with a lot of excitement for what is to come. I typically struggle with the closing of chapters and am not one good with good-byes! I tend to reflect back on memories and time passed and am sometimes hesitant to enthusiastically jump or leap forward.

For some reason, this year is different. Perhaps because my mindset is different. Maybe it is because we have something so exciting and out of our norm to look forward to. Whatever the reason, I am leaping into this new year and new decade a different person. I am more open minded and less focused on the “what if” scenarios and the “I’m not sure how this is going to go” beliefs. Of course I don’t know how this is going to go, I have never done it before! I am all about embracing the chaos, the uncomfort, the unknown and pushing through because I am pretty certain what is on the other side is amazing.

This adventure we will be embarking on has allowed me to dream which is something I struggle with at times. I tend to be practical and conservative in my thinking and completely flipping my own script to the possibilities on the horizon has been new and empowering. I feel myself moving away from the “I Can’t” or “I Shouldn’t” statements and more into the “I Must” and “I Will”. One of my favorite statements Darren has passed along which has been incredibly helpful is “I Can, I Will, I Must” which can be applied to all areas of life.

Positive self dialogue has truly emerged as one of the most important habits from last year. While I am definitely not perfect and catch myself often, I am diligently working towards improving each and every day on the words and thoughts I carry and speak towards myself as I have learned the words that follow “I Am” follow you!

Cheers to an incredible 2020 and beyond!!

When I think back on 2019 I am filled with so much gratefulness and love and this particular video brings to life where we have been and where we are going in the new year… literally! ?

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