The Flip the Script Family


I came across this quote today and truly feel like things are put in front of us at certain times for a reason. I am one who can get lost in focus on all the tasks I need to achieve in a day. Checking one thing off and then another from the never ending to-do list and feeling more accomplished with each check box. I gain energy and satisfaction from each completion and love to look back at the end of the day at all that was achieved. On the flip side, I have a tendency to beat myself up if the metric wasn’t met on a given day.

Right or wrong, I think it is safe to say many of us fall into the habit and routine of our daily lives. Time passes and we get so focused on accomplishing certain goals we have set for ourselves or perhaps we are just struggling to survive and make it through to the next day we get lost in that fight. We fixate on the past or maybe even the future and what that holds yet in reality we are only promised this very moment. In the blink of an eye, our world can change.

Life is precious! The good, the bad, the joys, the struggles… each teaches us something new. Within our home we have recently been focusing on three phrases- “I’m sorry”, “I forgive you”, “I love you”. I will personally admit the “I’m sorry” is incredibly difficult for me for some reason. Not in a sense of not being sorry for any particular reason but uttering those words is and has been a struggle for me. Yet instilling the importance in our young children of taking ownership of our actions, acknowledging our mistakes AND our accomplishments, not holding a grudge and being able to forgive and love is far more important to me than the uncomfortableness I may feel for a few seconds as I struggle to utter the words “I’m sorry”.

Don’t take life for granted! Learn from yesterday but don’t dwell or get stuck on it because you aren’t moving in that direction. Embrace and live for today! Truly live your life TODAY because today is something your will never get back and will soon become yesterday. Have those conversations, express those feelings, reconnect with someone you love, forgive someone who wronged you, take time for yourself, make the time for a loved one or best friend even though your to-do list is long, go on that date night, be kind and come from a giving heart! Love and respect yourself! There is only one YOU and you are on this earth to make an impact… don’t wait until tomorrow to do so.

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