The Flip the Script Family

This is WHY!

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A common question we get when sharing our story is why would you leave beautiful California, and why Barbados? Of course upon seeing the stunning photos of the island we now call home, it is easy to see why one would want to stay.

It is, however, so much deeper than the beauty this island offers. Yes, there are stunning beaches and beautiful year-round weather which we depict in many of our photos. The WHY though resides in the simple and mundane things we experience day-to-day. The simple things truly are the most important and greatest things.

✨ The WHY is the peace in sending our kids to school every day and not worrying if they will experience an active shooter situation.

✨ The WHY is in the independence and freedom our kids experience running around the beaches, parks and markets with friends without an alert watchful eye monitoring their safety at every single turn they make and the comfort in know there is a community looking out for the children across the island.

✨ The WHY is the 3 year old child you pass along the street looking you in the eye and greeting you with a “good morning” because common courtesy’s are taught and expected across all ages and genders.

✨ The WHY is in the genuine connections and depth of relationships we have fostered in a relatively short period of time.

✨ The WHY is in our beloved Expat community of whom have up and left all they have know similar to ourselves for various reasons and the stories and dreams we share together.

✨ The WHY is the focus on the family and the simple fact of being able to have family dinners together each night on our back patio listening to the sounds of nature.

✨ The WHY is the daily morning walks and reflection time Darren and I have together which helps set the tone for the rest of the day.

✨ The WHY is in the culture here… the friendly honks when driving, the time people take to chat and interact with one another, the genuine connections and willingness to help each other without a second thought.

✨ The WHY is in the simplicity, slower pace of life and gratitude that spills over each and every day for this opportunity.

‼️ The WHY is in what the Flipping of the Script has and continues to teach each of us and the impact we hope our family can pass on to others to step outside of the comfort zone and realize what pushing beyond the good to get to the great has to offer. ❤️

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