The Flip the Script Family

Santa Cruz


Father’s Day in Santa Cruz

JUNE 24, 2019

This is a week late but we had a blast getting to celebrate Father’s Day in Santa Cruz this year! It was extra special this year because I was able to spend the day with my very own father! That might not sound like a big deal but in my case it is. My family doesn’t live as close as I would love them to so getting to see each other is quite a treat and not something we get to do all that often.  

We spent the day at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk which was a place we used to go as a family during my childhood. It is incredible to see my kids enjoying the very things I used to at their age. Preston (3 yrs) went on his first roller coaster which he loved while his sister (6 yrs) couldn’t get off fast enough! I still look back at the photo from the ride and can’t help but laugh. It is a classic.

I am blessed to have amazing memories alongside my dad from road trips to softball games and pitching practice to ice cream cones and trips to San Francisco to see a baseball game or ride a cable car. One thing I always remember is my dad’s presence. He was always there for me from my younger years into my college years and when I moved from apartment to apartment. I will never forget one of my last moves and him asking me to “please get a place NOT up 5 flights of stairs”! He was in the room (on the far back wall to ensure he didn’t see too much) when my daughter was born and beamed with love holding each of my babies. I am truly blessed.

We also got to celebrate my “baby daddy”!! He is not a fan of that name but I think it is funny. The kids get a kick out of making him cards with random questions about dad’s favorite color, favorite food, etc. This year Preston’s answer to “what I love most about my dad is” he loves me and Kira’s answer to “what I love most about my dad is” his karate skills and his kindness. Preston thinks his dad is “55” years old while Kira nailed it with “38”. I look forward to their answers every year.

We celebrate dad with the things he enjoys most- nature, ocean and cold water plunges! Well he celebrated with the cold water plunges… I looked on with a hoodie and blanket! 

He is our rock and we couldn’t imagine our lives without him in it! 

Here are some photos from our weekend:


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